Churches 4


                                                                                                        Not a Postcard
Pleasant Ridge Methodist Episcopal now AKA St. Peter United


Price Hill Methodist                                                        State Avenue  Methodist Church        

   Constructed in the mid 1880s, the 2nd image is a 1958 photograph. The State Avenue Church is located at 686 State Avenue. It was originally called the Methodist Episcopalian Church when built in 1930. In December of 1944 the church was bought to be used as a meeting place and, in 1964, was transferred solely to the State Avenue Methodist Church. The last image is a photo of the church as it looks today.


  A Proposed Church   




                                Trinity Methodist  9th & Race                                     Information on Church


                  Walnut Hills  1281 E. McMillan                                            Wayne Avenue ME Church

   The 3rd non-postcard image above is a present day view.


                                   Westwood       3466 Epworth                                                        Not a Postcard


Winton Place Methodist Episcopal Church

    This congregation was founded in 1856 and although their first church was erected in 1860 they were not officially organized until 1872. Samuel Hannaford was one of their leading members so when a new church was proposed in 1884 he was naturally chosen as the architect. When Hannaford died January 7, 1911 his funeral was held at this church. In 1924 the building was expanded. The building is now used by the Winton Community Free Methodist Church. On March 3, 1980 the church was added to the National Register of Historic Places.


               Carthage                         3rd German M.E. Church
                                                         McMicken & Walnut


Columbia M.E. Church  Eastern Ave. & Stites St.

   The building is now a performance center as seen in the 2nd non-postcard image.


M.E. Church
Columbia & Delta Aves.


Allen Temple. A. M. E. Church  6th and Broadway

   Because I am showing this card on consecutive pages, I feel an explanation is in order. The African Methodist Episcopal Denomination was founded in 1787 by Richard Allen in Philadelphia. African Americans in Cincinnati during the early part of the 19th century worshiped at the white Methodist Episcopal churches but were treated in a discriminatory manner. The Reverends James King and Phillip Brodie decided they could no longer tolerate the prejudicial treatment. In 1824 they founded Cincinnati's A.M.E. congregation. They relocated to several buildings in the African American district around 6th and Broadway.
   In 1870 they bought the former Bene Israel Synagogue at 538 Broadway seen in the postcard and two photographs above. You can see the A.M.E. in the third image in the upper left quadrant. It was referred to as the "Broadway Schuhl". Because their earlier churches were continuously being vandalized this building was ideal because it was larger, more secure, and had barred windows and a iron fence. Also the symbolism of the Jews being freed slaves was also important. They called it the Allen Temple because the church they had used previous had been called the Allen Chapel after the founder of the A.M.E. church. The congregation moved to the Roselawn Baptist Church on Reading Road in 1979. This building was demolished to make way for Proctor and Gamble's twin towers.


                 old          New Thought Temple         new                       New Thought Temple
                               Walnut Hills                                                       Avondale


Philippus Kirche

   Located on the northwest corner of Race and McMicken Avenue, this church was constructed in 1890 and was originally part of the German Reformed Church. Services were held in German here until the 1980s. It houses an organ donated by Christian Moerlein. The last image is a present day non-postcard view.



Avondale                               Cleves                      Clifford Presbyterian.                         Clifton        


         College Hill 1st Presbyterian         

   College Hill Presbyterian is located at the corner of Hamilton Avenue and Groesbeck Road and was dedicated on January 1, 1857 as Pleasant Hill Presbyterian Church (because the area was known as Pleasant Hill at that time). Many extensive renovations have occurred over the years, as seen in the 3rd non-postcard image.


1st Presbyterian                           Fifth Presbyterian    Cor. Clark & John Sts       
4th near Main St.                                                                                                          

   The 5th Presbyterian Church, as it looks today, is shown in the last non-postcard image.


Original Church

Glendale Parsonage & Church Today 

   The Glendale First Presbyterian Church at 155 East Fountain Avenue was organized at a meeting in the Glendale Female College in November of 1855. In 1860 the members erected the first church to be built in Glendale. The 1st row above shows this church. The church is very difficult to see in the 1st postcard image and so I added the photograph for a clearer view.  Seen in the 2nd row is the newer larger church that was built in 1873 next to the original structure. The exterior of the building was entirely refurbished and restored in 1973, as seen in the last two non-postcard images.


 2nd German Presbyterian                St. John's Church Sta. F    
        Cincinnati                           Evangelical  Protestant

   Station F was near 8th and State at the foot of The Price Hill Incline.


Evanston                                                      Hartwell                                                       Harrison 


 Kennedy Heights  6312 Kennedy Ave.

   The last photo above is a present day view.


         Old  Knox Presbyterian. Hyde Park            New  Knox Presbyterian
                                                                                  Built in 1929 

   Old Knox Presbyterian was organized in July of 1895 at Shaw & Erie Aves.


                                              Loveland   Presbyterian Church                            Sycamore  United Presbyterian


Madisonville Presbyterian 4619 Erie

   Members of the Eastminster Presbyterian Church began holding services in Madisonville in 1867. The 1st church was built in 1880 at 4606 Erie Avenue. In 1899 the old church was moved to the back of the lot and the present church was constructed. A tornado struck the church in 1977 causing excessive damage but was completely restored. The last image is a photo of the present day church.




Mt. Auburn Presbyterian. Auburn Ave. 

   The 4th non-postcard image above shows the church as it looks today.


Milford Presbyterian

   The cornerstone for the Milford Presbyterian Church was laid on July 9, 1904. In 1931 due to financial problems which were intensified by the depression, the church ceased to exist. The church was demolished in 1937. 


 New Carmel