Religious Main



   These first two rows show the Eucharistic Congress (Communion) held in and around the Archbishop's Residence in Norwood in October of 1911. The 2nd and 3rd rows show the Archbishop's residence at 5440 Moeller Avenue, which had just been built that year, (which is why the area looks so barren in the real photo postcards). The 14 acres were bordered by Montgomery Road and Drex, Moeller, named after Archbishop Henry Moeller, and Quatman Avenues. 

Eucharistic Congress 1.jpg (115658 bytes)        Eucharistic Congress 2.jpg (138097 bytes)                Eucharistic Congress 3.jpg (141062 bytes)


Eucharistic Congress 4.jpg (120756 bytes)                Eucharistic Congress 6.jpg (96223 bytes)       


Archbishop Residence 2 .jpg (127666 bytes)        Archbishop Residence 1.jpg (115044 bytes)        Archbishop Residence 3 .jpg (134162 bytes)        Archbishop Residence 4 .jpg (110187 bytes)

These are various images of the Archbishop's Residence

Archbishop's Residence.jpg (362406 bytes)        Archbisop Residence-Norwood.jpg (282220 bytes)        Archbishops Residence-rp.jpg (199251 bytes)        New Archbishop's Residence 4.jpg (327080 bytes)

   Archbishop Henry Moeller had long complained that his residence on Eighth Street was unhealthy and inadequate. He bought the land in Norwood and had Samuel Hannaford design his "palace". Although Moeller loved the Italian Renaissance style mansion, most of his successors preferred not to live in it. After Moeller died in 1925, the building has been used as a teachers college and as a part of the seminary. After the school year in 1981 Mount St. Mary's returned to Mt. Washington. The buildings in the late 80's were unused and for sale by the Cincinnati Archdiocese. The building is now the property of the Holy Spirit Center and is used as a residence.
   Construction began in 1921 on the building seen below and was completed in 1923. Mount St. Mary's Seminary of the West moved in from the Mt. Washington site. The seminary had been located in five different locations before settling here. (see Religious Institutions Page 2).
   Archbishop John Timothy McNicholas took over with the death of Archbishop Moeller in 1925. The new archbishop incorporated all the educational work being done in diocese. This new organization became The Athenaeum of Ohio. The Athenaeum of Ohio was chartered to grant degrees for both Mount Saint Mary's of the west and St. Gregory seminaries.

Mt St Mary Seminary of the West-Norwood.jpg (105292 bytes)    Mt. St. Mary Seminary 3.jpg (244723 bytes)                           
Mt. St. Mary's Seminary of the West Norwood  


Eucharistic Congress 7.jpg (100809 bytes)            Eucharistic parade 2.jpg (98386 bytes)           
10,000 people were in this parade of The Holy Name held on Sunday 10/29/11


1st Communion unknown church.jpg (82124 bytes)
Communion-church unknown


Pustets Exhibit.jpg (86232 bytes)

   Pustet Fr & Co. seller of church supplies at 436 Main Street had this exhibit at the 5th Annual Convention of the Catholic Educational Association held in July 1908


   St. Paul's Church, Newport, KY is shown with an organ supplied by the Alfred Mathers Church Organ Co., Cincinnati.


City Mission.jpg (97799 bytes)
Cincinnati City Mission
 223 W. Seventh St.
children & church groups.


   These cards show The General Episcopal Convention that was held in 1937 at University of Cincinnati's Nippert Stadium. The first card is from a partial folder of four cards I have. The next eight cards are ones that have been removed from one of these folders.

Episcopal Convention Folder.jpg (324072 bytes)    Episcopal Con-3.jpg (117900 bytes)    Episcopal convention-Nippert-1.jpg (120117 bytes)    Nippert Stadium Epis convention.jpg (357416 bytes)   
                                                                                                                                                  Play at Music Hall


Episcop. Conv-1937.jpg (380304 bytes)                Episcopal Convention-s2.jpg (404580 bytes)        Episcopal Con-4.jpg (116656 bytes)


Episcopal Convention-s1.jpg (339172 bytes)
 Not part of set.


541 Glenrose Cross.jpg (313242 bytes)    541 Glenrose Cross back.jpg (156609 bytes)            541 Glenrose Ave.jpg (213741 bytes)
Cross On Lawn 1940, 541 Glenrose Ave., Arlington Heights

   The last image above shows this house as it looks today.



The Oriental Missionary Society
1810 Young Street


Promotion Day.jpg (306910 bytes)
Springdale Promotion Day


2729 in 1913.jpg (238621 bytes)        2729 Massachusetts Ave..jpg (208297 bytes)        2729 Mass. Ave.jpg (231313 bytes)
1913 Postcard                                                                                                     

   The first RPPC image above was mailed in 1913 by S. M. Veneranda. Sister M. Veneranda was Superioress Sisters of St. Frances and she lived at 2729 Massachusetts Avenue. The 2nd photograph shows this house as it looks today and although there has been many changes over the years I think you will agree that this is the house that is shown in the 1913 postcard. The third overhead image shows this building across the street from the Sacred Hearts Church. That is I75 on the far left.