1883  TO  1913 Floods


1883  FLOOD

1883 Flood 1.jpg (1062319 bytes)1883 Flood 2.jpg (1013973 bytes)

   The 1883 Flood crested at 66.3 feet on 2/15/83. The image above had to be scanned in two parts due to its size.


1884  FLOOD

1884 Lithograph.jpg (898149 bytes)

   The lithograph of the 1884 flood above shows the Suspension Bridge in the distance, so this would have to be Walnut Street we are looking at.


3rd & Mill St.                    Front & Vine Sts.                    River Front                       Public Landing                    East Pearl St.

Location unknown           Suspension Bridge           Grand Central Depot       Location not known                Gas Works        

       Gas Works                        Lower Market            Location unknown                 Newport                             Newport          

Location Unknown                  Location Unknown                    Aurora, Indiana  


1888  FLOOD

Two newspaper illustrations of the flood


1890  FLOOD

   The 1890 flood was not a very bad one, it only crested 7' over flood stage of 52'. The photo above was probably taken from the suspension bridge showing the tow boat Hercules Carrel moored in front of the Globe Soap factory which was located on Water Street. This street was obviously named because it would flood every time flood stage was breeched.


   These are postcards of the 1907 and 1913 floods.  There are not as many postcards of the 1937 flood compared to the earlier ones for obvious reasons. The postcard craze had faded considerably by 1937. People were able to see all the pictures they wanted by buying a newspaper, or going to theaters to see the newsreels, and of course radio. People no longer needed to collect postcards in order to remember historical events. The first non-postcard image is a map that was drawn in 1888 that will give you an idea of where the streets back then were located during the early Cincinnati floods. Of course many of these streets no longer exist, later construction has demolished many of the riverfront streets plus many of the other streets have had their names changed.

1888 Map River to 8th.jpg (282021 bytes)
Map-Riverfront to 8th St.



1907 Flood 1.jpg (105181 bytes)        1907 Flood 2.jpg (65081 bytes)        1907 Flood 3.jpg (59562 bytes)        1907 Flood-2.jpg (29103 bytes)
      From L & N bridge                      Along the canal                        8th street viaduct             Walnut St. Looking South
                                                                                                                                                            8th St. Viaduct

   The first card above show the flood waters half-way up to the roof of the L. & N. (Panhandle) Railroad Depot. The 8th Street Viaduct collapsed on March 17, 1907. The 120' section fell into 28' of water along with gas and water mains, telephone and telegraph lines, electric power lines, and trolley lines that were all connected to the structure or were under it, on the ground. The collapse created an 18' wave that went into the surrounding streets for two blocks. The piers had been undermined by the earlier flood that year due to the very porous soil that was used as filling material.


1907 Flood 4.jpg (47286 bytes)        1907 Flood 5.jpg (65244 bytes)        1907 Flood 6.jpg (92258 bytes)         1907 flood-sub.jpg (126694 bytes)
2nd and Market sts.            Shaw Ave. Hyde Park          Walnut St. looking South              Cincinnati Suburb    


1907 flood Walnut south from Pearl.jpg (166635 bytes)                               
Looking south on Walnut                        Location Unknown                          2nd St. Looking East ?    
from Pearl Street.                                                                                                                           


   The postcard above was possibly taken from the Suspension Bridge. It shows the C. L. Greeno Co. that was located at 325 Main St. (far right, they were in the upholstery goods business. On the left edge is the J. R. Ware & Co. located at 19 E. Water St. They were in the sand business as can be seen by the crane positioned over a sand hopper.


1907 Flood 7.jpg (55750 bytes)                Flood double.jpg (123318 bytes)
   Viaduct & 2nd St.             Suspension & Crowd


Hamilton Ave.

   Thomas P. Zachman was a feather renovator and his business, seen near the center of this image, was located at 4024 Hamilton Ave.


Cleves-1907 Flood.jpg (74672 bytes)        Cleves 1907 Flood.jpg (161966 bytes)
Cleves, Ohio





1907 Flood a.jpg (129526 bytes)        1907 Flood b.jpg (138096 bytes)        1907 Flood c.jpg (72614 bytes)        1907 Flood d.jpg (125724 bytes)
    Spring Grove Ave.             Top of  Suspension Bridge          Central Union Depot            Suspension Bridge Ferry

   The first card above shows the flooding of Spring Grove Avenue caused by the Mill Creek overflowing its banks by as much as 4 miles in places.


1907 Flood b.jpg (170021 bytes)        1907 Flood a.jpg (71027 bytes)        Stewart Flood-1907.jpg (165579 bytes)
             East End                                 Front Street                 River front & Public Landing


Flood Northside.jpg (142028 bytes)        1907 Cumminsville Flod.jpg (168642 bytes)
        Northside                        "Flod" in Cumminsville

   Although the two cards above are titled differently they are both in the same general area.



    East End                               Vine St. From 2nd                          Shantytown                            Public Landing

E. 2nd St. From Suspension              Eastern Avenue                Central Ave. From Pearl            Trader Ave. East End    

Pearl & Plum Sts.                    Pearl & Walnut Sts.                    West 3rd Street                             River Front   

West 2nd Street                   Lower Plum Street                  Lower Plum Street                    West 2nd Street

2nd St. From Broadway



1907 Flood-Miami Mill.jpg (181173 bytes)
Miami Mill

   Miami changed its name in the 1920s to Miamitown.



1913 Flood 1.jpg (80542 bytes)        1913 Flood 3.jpg (82498 bytes)        1913 Flood 4.jpg (82468 bytes)        South on Main from 3rd-1913.jpg (135891 bytes)
  Knowltons Corner          Vulcan Supply at 120 Sycamore            3408 Liston Ave                South on Main from 3rd


1913 Flood 5.jpg (81492 bytes)          1913 Flood 6.jpg (82402 bytes)          1913 Flood 8.jpg (56169 bytes)         
           4th and Broadway                          Island Queen                            Location Unknown            Esterman Verkamp Murphy Co.
                                                                                                                                                                     Wholesale Grocers Front & Main


1913 Flood 7.jpg (109537 bytes)    1913 Flood 11.jpg (111620 bytes)    1913 Flood-RP1.jpg (77064 bytes)    1913 Flood-RP2.jpg (62901 bytes)   
      Pearl and Broadway               116 east Pearl St.              Pearl St. W. of Main    Pearl St. between 2nd & 3rd        Pearl and Broadway     
                                                                                                                                                                                               (Princess in distance}


1913 Flood-RP8.jpg (69288 bytes)        1913 Flood.jpg (52095 bytes)*      1913 Flood Elm & Pearl-a.jpg (206496 bytes)        1913 Flood-Pearl & Eggelston.jpg (106464 bytes)
Pearl St. at Plum St.          Cor. Of Pearl & Broadway Sts.                    Pearl & Elm                         Pearl & Eggleston  
                                                          Queen City Supply Co.


1913 Flood 9.jpg (60848 bytes)        1913 Flood 10.jpg (82978 bytes)        1913 Flood 12.jpg (79480 bytes)
   1373 Harrison Ave.                   Location Unknown                  Location Unknown   


1913 Flood-Western Ave.jpg (84247 bytes)        1913 flood casualty.jpg (94815 bytes)        1913 flood cleanup.jpg (86744 bytes)
Western Avenue                    Casualty of the flood              Cleaning up the mess


        1913 Flood-RP3.jpg (57594 bytes)        1913 Flood-RP4.jpg (101866 bytes)        1913 Flood-RP6.jpg (63241 bytes)
           Freeman & Hopkins Sts.              Walnut & Front Sts.                Front St. from Race      


    1913 Flood-RP7.jpg (78795 bytes)        1913 Flood-RP5.jpg (96410 bytes)         1013 flood-Freeman Ave.jpg (72223 bytes)
            Walnut Street Looking South                                 Big 4  Depot                    Freeman Avenue


1913 flood-Sherman Ave.jpg (98376 bytes)        Colerain during flood.jpg (64665 bytes)        Flood--1913 no info.jpg (81509 bytes)        Schulte's Park.jpg (229582 bytes)
        Sherman Avenue            Colerain Ave. & B&O tracks            Location Unknown             Schulte's Park -Liston Ave.
                                                                                                                                                                & Anderson's Ferry Rd


   rp-1913 flood-Hall.jpg (68464 bytes)        Fire Company No. 29, Ohio Flood 1913.jpg (107497 bytes)*      1913 flood-un.jpg (588221 bytes)        Cleves 1913 Flood.jpg (173575 bytes)
The American Oak Leather Co.           Fire Company #20                  Location Unknown                 Cleves-after the flood     
and the Hall Lumber Co                                                                                                                                                            
Kenner and Dalton Ave.                                                                                                                                                            


Flood-ms.jpg (102556 bytes)                                1913 Flood-rp-unknown.jpg (190224 bytes)
I can not verify that this is Cincinnati.                         I do not know what street this is.      
There is a Haucks beer sign in background.                                                                                    
It is still a nice card.                                                                                        


Norwood Flood.jpg (91600 bytes)                Glenny Glass-1913 flood.jpg (206815 bytes)    Glenny Glass-back.jpg (117170 bytes)
        Norwood                                    The William  Glenny Glass Co. 10-16 Commerce
Location unknown                                                                                                                


Harrison Ave. Viaduct-1913.jpg (335706 bytes)                            Schacht-Abattoir card.jpg (368235 bytes)
Harrison Ave. Viaduct                                                               Abattoir Co.                               
Cincinnati far right                                                                                                                    

   The Abattoir Co. was located on Spring Grove Ave. They were Pork & Beef Packers. The view was taken from their roof looking towards Camp Washington. The last card can also be found in the Transportation section with more of an explanation.



Harrison-1913 Flood Bridge.jpg (103545 bytes)        Harrison 1913 flood-bridge.jpg (218152 bytes)        Harrison -1913 Flood.jpg (132977 bytes)
Site of suspension bridge collapse                                                      


Sedamsville Car-River Road.jpg (228761 bytes)
Sedamsville streetcar

   The RPPC (reprint) image above was taken somewhere along River Road. I do not know which flood this is.