


The two non-postcard images below show the ell-shaped building that Dwight H Baldwin (1821-1899) opened on the corner of 4th and Elm at 158 West Fourth Street in 1862 to sell pianos and organs. The Baldwin Company gradually became the most prominent dealer of pianos and organs in the South and West. Baldwin began to manufacture pianos, in 1890, inside a converted planning mill on land owned by Eden Park. The Park Board sold all the land west of Gilbert Ave. in 1886 as un-needed and Baldwin bought this portion. Baldwin pianos and organs won many national and international prizes in those early years. The 3rd image shows the offices of the D. H. Baldwin Piano Co. in 1891, the partners are seen seated in the back.

D.H. Baldwin Pianos-158 West Fourth.JPG (726204 bytes)        D.H.Baldwin & Co.Pianos-Corner 4th & Elm Sts.jpg (101899 bytes)        D.H.Baldwin's Walnut St. Office-summary.jpg (610502 bytes)

  The buildings seen below were completed in 1920. You can see the structure in the third card behind the newer main building in the second card. In 1925 Baldwin sold 11,000 player pianos alone, but radio and the depression essentially destroyed the market for this product. Many parts of the firms business moved South in the early 60's. The one millionth piano was completed in 1974. New owners moved the business to Clermont County in March 1986. In 1987 they bought the Wurlitzer Company seen in a card below. Wurlitzer was another city landmark founded by Rudolph Wurlitzer in 1862.
   The main buildings of the Baldwin Piano Company Factory located on Gilbert Avenue across from the Eden Park entrance. The buildings seen below, or what remains of it, is now owned by Corporex, a real estate development firm. The complex is now called the Grand Baldwin, an office complex. The non-postcard image below show, very clearly, the layout of the factory.

Baldwin Piano Company drawing.jpg (338780 bytes)    Baldwin 4.jpg (226607 bytes)            Baldwin-aa.jpg (79827 bytes)
                                                                                                               Gilbert Ave. on the right.
                                                                                                                 Real Photo

Baldwin 1.jpg (110847 bytes)        Baldwin 2.jpg (143607 bytes)        Baldwin 3.jpg (97931 bytes)        Baldwin 4.jpg (122795 bytes)

Baldwin 5.jpg (100312 bytes)        Baldwin-z1.jpg (102880 bytes)        Baldwin-z2.jpg (122760 bytes)        Baldwin RP.jpg (195323 bytes)
                                                                                                                                                        Real Photo

Baldwin PMC 1.jpg (88588 bytes)        Baldwin-fg.jpg (79629 bytes)        Baldwin PMC 2.jpg (68188 bytes)        Baldwin Piano -Finishing Cases.jpg (160540 bytes)
Bending Strips of Wood            Gluing Strips together            Making Sound Boards                    finishing Cases        

Six Private Mailing cards of  the Baldwin Piano Co.

Baldwin PMC 3.jpg (75728 bytes)        Baldwin souvenir-s1.jpg (68716 bytes)
Polishing Department                Putting Strings on      

Baldwin 2 1899.jpg (174384 bytes)    Baldwin 1 1909.jpg (302090 bytes)    Baldwin 4 1910.jpg (342492 bytes)    Baldwin 3 1911.jpg (305137 bytes)
     1899                       1909                 1910                   1911

Baldwin Building.jpg (173947 bytes)
Present Day Photo


Shultz Piano vert.jpg (107281 bytes)    Otto Grau Piano-aa.jpg (150537 bytes)    Otto Grau Piano-bb.jpg (151224 bytes)    Schulz Pianos-front.jpg (273144 bytes)    Schulz Pianos-Back.jpg (212307 bytes)
                                       Otto Grau Piano Co.  222-224 W. 4th St.                          Back of card on left

Otto Grau sales card.jpg (244002 bytes)                Otto Grau Piano ad.jpg (342785 bytes)    Otto Grau back.jpg (95322 bytes)                Otto Grau Piano Co..jpg (359029 bytes)

Grau Piano Co. Saleroom 130-132 W 4th.jpg (271288 bytes)                                Otto Grau-Pianos.jpg (317309 bytes)
    Store at 222-224 W. 4th                                     Newspaper drawing
                                                                                   Otto Grau



   Franz Rudolf Wurlitzer Founded the Wurlitzer Company in 1856 in Cincinnati. The company started out as an importer of musical instruments and then, in 1861, began making violins and other stringed instruments. Later the company began making harps, pianos, organs, and jukeboxes.

Wurlitzer vert.jpg (114597 bytes)        Wurlitzer-z1.jpg (89953 bytes)        Wurlitzer-z2.jpg (116590 bytes)

These Are Not Postcards
Wurlitzer 1.jpg (97276 bytes)        Wurlitzer 1875.jpg (81655 bytes)        Rudolph Wurlitzer 121 E 4th St..jpg (206040 bytes)        Rudolph Wurlitzer 121 E.4th St..jpg (270989 bytes)
Wurlitzer Building   117-121 E. 4th St.


Wurlitzer-Talking Machine.jpg (307823 bytes)        Wurlitzer-Talking Machine-back.jpg (187432 bytes)                    Rudolph Wurlitzer-Pianos.jpg (331324 bytes)
Rudolph Wurlitzer ad for the Victor Talking Machine Co.            Rudolph Drawing       

Wurlitzer Ad-1904.jpg (293894 bytes)        Wurlitzer Violins.jpg (327362 bytes)
2 Ads



George P. Gross Pianos-Main & 13th.jpg (58953 bytes)                                    Smith and Nixon Piano.jpg (60976 bytes)    Smith & Nixon Piano Co. 12 E.4th St..jpg (240746 bytes)
      George P. Gross Pianos                                             Smith & Nixon Piano Co. Offices at 126 West 4th St 
13th and Main                                                                                                                                  



 Aeolian Company.jpg (299750 bytes)        Aeolian Co. 124 E.4th St. Warerooms.jpg (290532 bytes)                Howard Spear-AEolian Co.-Pianos.jpg (219184 bytes)
          Main Floor Aeolian Co.  25 W Fourth St.                             Howard Spear    

Aeolian 2 1904.jpg (257944 bytes)        Aeolian 3 1906.jpg (332942 bytes)        Aeolian 1 1906.jpg (249007 bytes)
1904                    1906                    1906


George Jaberg Music Co..jpg (221191 bytes)       George Jaberg Music Co..jpg (331606 bytes)
The George Jaberg Music Co. 115 W. 7th Street