1908 Police Baseball
Roll of Honor - 1900
William C. Boers
William C. Boers was placed on the Roll of Honor in 1900 for saving the lives of three boys who were in danger of being trampled by a runaway mule.
1915 Lieutenants & Sergeants
Patrol Wagon 4 in
1890's Patrol Wagon 5
1901 St. Bernard Police
The first card above shows Police Chief Paul Milliken and "Handsome" parked in front of City Hall. The next one shows the Chief being driven in a 1910 Thomas automobile. The third card shows the ladies of the Rotary Club that were holding a convention in Cincinnati being given a ride in a patrol wagon in 1916.
In the 1st card standing is Superintendent George Hadley and Police Chief Phillip Deitsch. Sitting is Superintendent Thomas Duffey and Chief of Detectives Lawrence Hazen taken in 1885. The second card, taken around 1907, shows Lieutenant William Copeland. From 1912 to 1935 Copeland was Chief of Police. The third card was taken in 1899 of Police Sergeant Edwin Goepper. The last card shows Police Detective Frank A. B. Hall. After Hall retired in 1926 he became the first African-American to be elected to Cincinnati City Council.
In the first card above patrolman Dawson Moneyhon displays his Cold revolver in 1918. The second card shows an unidentified patrolman wearing a medal for bravery, the prestigious Alms Medal, ca. 1910. The 10 on his sleeve means he had been on the force for 10 years. The third card is of patrolman Roscoe Lewis on the steps of Corryville Elementary School around 1917. The last card shows four African-American patrolmen in the 1920s. Only two are identified, seated on the left is John "Pop" Toney and seated on the right is Olin Wilson who was later killed in the line of duty.
The first card above is of patrolman Frank Muller. Patrolmen only wore the large "chest protector" badges until 1904. The second card is of patrolman George Steidinger ca. 1890s. The third card is of Lockland police officer Webster Roberts, ca. 1900. The last card is of a Newport police officer, ca. 1920s.
The card above is of Hamilton County traffic officer Chris Robisch in 1935. Robisch later became Chief of the Mariemont Police Department.
The courthouse that was built in 1853 was burned down in the famous riots of March 30-April 1, 1884 when a mob of 10,000 citizens attacked it. Incensed over a conviction of manslaughter instead of murder for William Berner, for killing his employer, the people became enraged. For years the people had put up with political corruption and jury tampering and this verdict was the last straw. After three days of rioting and the arrival of hundreds of National Guard troops 50 people lay dead and 200 were injured.
Poster of the Courthouse Riots
Mob at Music
Guarding the
Court & Walnut Barricade
Police Capturing 2 Guns
Bringing Dead to Hospital
after 1884