


This building is located on the s. e. corner of  7th & Vine.

Provedent 1 vert.jpg (120581 bytes)        Provedent-z1.jpg (120278 bytes)        Provedent 2 vert.jpg (105250 bytes)        Provedent-z2.jpg (184123 bytes)        Provedent 3 vert.jpg (110635 bytes)        Provedent 4 vert.jpg (82696 bytes)


Provedent-z3.jpg (142254 bytes)        Provedent-z4.jpg (124070 bytes)        Provedent-z5.jpg (134710 bytes)        Provedent-z6.jpg (147190 bytes)        Provedent-z7.jpg (112613 bytes)


Provedent 1 interior.jpg (154777 bytes)                Provedent 2 interior.jpg (142902 bytes)                Lobby, The Provident Savings Bank & Trust Co.jpg (48481 bytes)
Commercial Department                        Savings Department                                       Lobby                 


Provedent 3 interior.jpg (117534 bytes)                Provedent 4 interior.jpg (104573 bytes)                Provedent 5 interior.jpg (111999 bytes)
 The bank vault


Provedent 5 vert.jpg (118971 bytes)                Provedent 6 vert.jpg (102796 bytes)                Provedent 7 vert.jpg (124151 bytes)
Three cards that try to convince children to start saving


Branch of Provident Bank-WH.jpg (340620 bytes)
Walnut Hills Branch
McMillan & Melrose Aves.



   The Central Trust Building is the second tallest in these cards of the Cincinnati Skyline. When built in 1913 it was known as the Union Central Life Insurance building and was the 5th tallest building in the world and the tallest outside of New York. 

Sky Line-ag.jpg (90904 bytes)        Sky Line-af.jpg (88695 bytes)        Sky Line-ae.jpg (110793 bytes)        View west-vert-he.jpg (133371 bytes)


Union Central 6.jpg (76382 bytes)     Union Central 7.jpg (80324 bytes)     Union Central 8.jpg (89740 bytes)     Union Central 9.jpg (106424 bytes)     Union Central 10.jpg (118022 bytes)
  Trust Department                      Bank Office                      Main Bank Corridor             Safety Deposit Vault          City's 1st drive-in bank



Price Hill Central Trust.jpg (90686 bytes)
Price Hill Central Trust
3766 Warsaw Avenue



These are not  postcards
First National Bank 1863-1903.jpg (135469 bytes)                    1st National Bank 1915.jpg (548797 bytes)
1863-1903                                    1903-1991

   First National Bank was started in 1863 which makes it at least the eighth oldest National bank and it could be the 5th oldest. The image above shows the banks first building that was located at 3rd and Walnut sts. In 1903 the bank moved into the building seen below. Over the years there were many expansions with First National acquiring many other banks for instance it bought 2nd National in 1951, Norwood's First National and Norwood's Savings Bank in 1952, Lockland's First National in 1953, Atlas Bank in 1954, you get the idea. In 1991 First National moved once again to The new First National Bank Center across 5th Street from Fountain Square. This was rather amazing in that the very first loan the bank ever made was $20,000 to Cincinnati Businessman Tyler Davidson 119 years earlier.

1st National Bank 1.jpg (107958 bytes)        1st nat-z5.jpg (89720 bytes)        1st nat-z6.jpg (108004 bytes)        1st nat-z7.jpg (128479 bytes)        1st nat-z8.jpg (121502 bytes)        1st nat-z9.jpg (128360 bytes)
Southeast corner of 4th and Walnut

1st nat-z3.jpg (150916 bytes)        1st nat-z4.jpg (106723 bytes)        1st nat-z10.jpg (111862 bytes)        1st National Bank 2.jpg (109569 bytes)        1st nat-z1.jpg (123892 bytes)        1st nat-z2.jpg (116702 bytes)

   Since the bank has moved into the building seen below there have been many name changes and acquisitions, from Star Bank to First Star to U. S. Bank.

Bank Star Building.jpg (264410 bytes)                    Star Bank.jpg (471406 bytes)

Chas. Stedman-1st Nat. Bank.jpg (321247 bytes)       
Charles Stedman       Clifford Wright   
Both Vice - Presidents


*Carthage 1st nat Bank.jpg (67640 bytes)    Carthage-1st Natl Bank.jpg (114055 bytes)    1st Nat. Bank Carthage.jpg (359958 bytes)
Carthage 1st National Bank 


Mt Healthy Bank.jpg (100731 bytes)        The First National Bank of Cheviot.jpg (45773 bytes)*
Mt Healthy                                Cheviot



2nd National Bank 1.jpg (102629 bytes)        2nd National Bank 2.jpg (118171 bytes)        2nd national bank-z1.jpg (107899 bytes)                Charles Davis 2nd Nat. Bank Pres,.jpg (372015 bytes)
                                              Ninth and Main                                                             Charles H. Davis



3rd National Bank.jpg (83295 bytes)        3rd National Bank Vert.jpg (169500 bytes)
4th Street between Vine & Race



4th National Bank 3rd & Walnut.jpg (121249 bytes)
3rd & Walnut

   This is not a postcard but I thought I should show a early illustration at least.


5th  3rd  UNION  TRUST

   On June 1, 1908 the Third National Bank merged with the Fifth National Bank to form the Fifth Third National Bank of Cincinnati. Even though the Third National was the senior partner, the merger took place when the country was starting to become pro prohibition in thinking and it was believed that the name "Fifth Third" was better than "Third Fifth" which might be construed as three "fifths" of alcohol. The name was changed to Fifth Third Bank in March of 1969. The newspaper drawing is of J. M. Glenn who was Vice President of the Fifth National Bank ca. 1905

JM Glenn 5th Nat. Bank.jpg (195224 bytes)                                        3rd National Bank.jpg (107625 bytes)


5th 3rd Union Trust front.jpg (317581 bytes)    5th 3rd Union Trust back.jpg (177269 bytes)    5th Third Ad.jpg (241570 bytes)    5th Third Ad back.jpg (156290 bytes)    Union Trust 3.jpg (88882 bytes)    Union Trust 3a.jpg (149973 bytes)


Recordak-5th 3rd Bank.jpg (345665 bytes)    Recordak-back.jpg (143910 bytes)
Recordak exhibit at 5th 3rd Bank


Lobby-Cosmopolitan Bank-5th&Walnut Sts.jpg (92899 bytes)
Lobby of the Cosmopolitan Bank
Fifth and  Walnut